Elephant conservation
HERD (Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development)
I am inspired by the Jabulani Herd on a daily basis, and all the work done by the amazing team at HERD, they are a wonderful example of some of the most incredible stories I have ever read.
We are a proud supporting partner of HERD – South Africa’s first elephant orphanage. We donate a 10% share of Elestration® profits from our African Elephant work to their incredible mission which is to care for and rehabilitate orphaned elephants, to give them a new family, and a second chance of life with another herd. The orphanage lies adjacent to the Jabulani Herd stables on the Kapama Private Game Reserve, which allows them to integrate each baby elephant into the herd according to their individual emotional needs. The unusual family structure of the Jabulani Herd, the majority of which are orphans themselves, presents a unique solution for orphaned baby elephants in Southern Africa that vitally need to find a second herd to ensure their emotional wellbeing and survival.

Trunks & Leaves
We are also a proud supporting partner of Trunks & Leaves. We donate a 10% share of Elestration® profits from our Asian Elephant work to their incredible mission which is to raise awareness for Asian elephants and their habitats, locally and globally, compiling resources and tools for education, research and conservation. They are dedicated to evidence-based, compassionate conservation. Through rigorous scientific research, striving to understand the needs of both elephants and people. Their goal is to develop economically viable, sustainable livelihood and agriculture alternative for farming communities to facilitate land sharing with elephants and other wildlife. They believe it is possible for people, elephants, and biodiversity to flourish together.

International Elephant Foundation (IEF)
We have proudly sent 10% of sales from the proceeds of art commissions as donations over the last couple of years to this organisation. The International Elephant Foundation (IEF) is the catalyst for creating a sustainable future where elephants thrive. IEF's projects focus on both the endangered Asian elephant and the severely threatened African elephant for reducing human-elephant conflict, protecting habitat, stopping poaching, and advancing knowledge to find cures for elephant diseases. They work anywhere there are elephants, both in-situ in rangeland countries to support protecting elephants, habitat, and villagers, and ex-situ to support projects and research that expands our knowledge of elephants, their health, and their behavior. IEF has the longest running elephant conservation project in Indonesia, the Elephant Conservation Response Units, protecting the evolutionarily significant and critically endangered Sumatran elephant as well as creating strong conservation partners in a region where elephants were often considered problems. We believe that the stronger bonds people have with elephants, the more invested they will become in their survival. We must create a vibrant future for elephants, and IEF is dedicated to making that future a reality.